Thursday, February 6, 2014

Free for Five Days: My Past Life as a Dung Beetle

"My Past Life as a Dung Beetle" is free for the next five days on Amazon! The promotion runs Feb. 6th-10th. If you're looking for something new, but don't have a lot of time, then check out this unique short story.

The story has received two 5-star reviews:

"This is a brief but pithy satirical commentary on our culture. It led me to view my own home with trepidation." Jan Turben

"My past life as a dung beetle is about a collector of random stuff and his family. I had no idea what to expect when I started reading it, and the first couple of pages both amused and confused me. They were funny and cute, but I didn't get it. Then, the story really got going, and I hurried through it with a smile on my lips. All the pieces fell into place and everything made sense.

I'm sure I stem from a genetic line of gatherers. I save all sorts of crap because it might be useful at some point in the future. My husband has a collection of collections. My past life as a dung beetle made me smile with recognition, root for the hero, and sympathize with the heroine. It is a touching story about life, well worth reading." Maria Hammarblad

The difference in these two reviews is very exciting to me, because they capture both sides of the spectrum of what this story represents.

Free for a limited time! Here is the link: My Past Life as a Dung Beetle .


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