Monday, February 3, 2014

Celebrating My First Royalty Check

My very first royalties of seventy cents have been deposited into my account. This is an exciting time for me because this means that self-publishing actually works.

Wait a second, LK, you are saying you got a whopping $0.70. That doesn't mean self-publishing actually works. That means self-publishing doesn't work at all.

Now, I know this looks dismal, but I disagree. I'm just starting out, a total unknown. This means that two people out in the world found my book and were compelled to buy it. Since then, three more people have found my book. In that sense, self-publishing absolutely works. My book is out there and people are buying it. It works!

Um, this isn't exactly a shining motivation for self-publishing, LK.

For anyone who wants to know if self-publishing works, it does. Now marketing...That's where I'm lacking. I wrote a nice story, did my homework and got a nice cover and editor. "My Past Life as a Dung Beetle" even has two 5-star reviews already. That means that two of the five people were moved to the point of taking time out of their day to review it. The story isn't the issue, it's the lack of marketing, which I'm learning about as I go along.

So, for now, I'm excited that self-publishing works. I'm celebrating with an off-brand Cola and four chocolates, which is what 70 cents will buy me. Happy day!

"My Past Life as a Dung Beetle" is available on Amazon:

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